Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Diesel of Rudolf (1858 - 1913)

However most known for its invention of the engine of heat pressure-put at fire which bears its name, diesel of Rudolf were also a well-respected thermal engineer and a social theorist. The inventions of the diesel of Rudolf have three joint points: They are connected to the transfer of heat by physical processes or laws normal; they imply the definitely creative mechanical design; and they at the beginning were justified by the concept of the inventor of the sociological needs. The diesel of Rudolf in the beginning designed the diesel engine to allow the craftsmen and the independent craftsmen to compete with the large-scale industry.

In Augsburg, on August 10, 1893, the principal model of the diesel of Rudolf, iron a simple cylinder of 10 feet with a wheel at its base, functioned on its own power for the first time. The diesel of Rudolf spent two years additional bringing of the improvements and in 1896 another model with the theoretical effectiveness of 75 percent showed, contrary to the ten percent of effectiveness of the vapor engine. From here 1898, the diesel of Rudolf was a millionaire. Its engines were used to actuate drains, electric and sprinkle factories, cars and trucks, and marine trade, and shortly after were used in the mines, the reservoirs oil, the factories, and transoceanic forwarding.

Diesel of Rudolf (1858 - 1913)

The diesel of Rudolf was the inventor of the internal combustion engine filled with diesel fuel.

The diesel of Rudolf was constant in Paris in 1858. His parents were the Bavarian immigrants. The diesel of Rudolf was informed at the technical school of teaching of Munich. After reper it was employed as an engineer of refrigerator. However, it true configuration of love in the design of engine. The diesel of Rudolf conceived many engines of heat, including an solar-actuated engine of air. In 1893, it published an article describing an engine with combustion in a cylinder, the internal combustion engine. In 1894, it classified for a patent for its new invention, doubled the diesel engine. The diesel of Rudolf was almost killed by its engine when it burst. However, its engine was the first which showed that fuel could be fired without spark. It made function the engine its first successful in 1897.

In 1898, the diesel of Rudolf was granted to the patent #608,845 for “an internal combustion engine” the diesel engine.

The diesel engines of today are refined and the versions improved of the original concept of the diesel of Rudolf. They are often employed in the submarines, the boats, the engines, and of large trucks and with the electric generating stations.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The History of the Automobile

The car because let us know we it was not invented in only day by a simple inventor. The history of the car reflects an evolution which took place in the whole world. It is estimated it that more than 100.000 patents created the modern car. However, we can move to the many first which occurred along the manner. Starting with the theoretical foregrounds for a motor vehicle which had been worked out by da Vinci de Leonardo and Isaac Newton.

In 1769, the very first motorized road vehicle was a military tractor invented by the French engineer and mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot (1725 - 1804). Cugnot used a vapor engine to actuate its vehicle, built under its instructions with the arsenal of Paris by the Brezin mechanic. It was employed by the French Army to transport artillery at a flat beating speed seam of 2 M/H of 1/2 on only three wheels. The vehicle had to stop the every ten to fifteen minutes to accumulate the vapor power. The vapor engine and boiler were separated from the remainder of the vehicle and were placed in before (see engraving above). The following year (1770), Cugnot built an steamer-actuated tricycle which transported four passengers.

In 1771, Cugnot led one of its road vehicles in a stone wall, incentive with Cugnot the first nobody to enter an accident of motor vehicle. It was the beginning of the bad chance for the inventor. After one of the owners of Cugnot died and other was exiled, money for the experiments of the road vehicle of Cugnot finished.

The vapor engines actuated cars by burning the fuel which heated water in a boiler, creating the vapor which increased and pushed the pistons which made turn the crankshaft, which then made turn the wheels. During the history of the beginnings of the motorized vehicles - vehicles of road and railroad were developed with vapor engines. The vapor engines added so much the weight to a vehicle which they proved a poor design for the road vehicles; however, of the vapor engines with much of success were used in engines. Historians, which accepts that the road vehicles steamer-actuated early were cars, estimate that Nicolas Cugnot was the inventor of the first car.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The rules of Wallachia were thus forced to apaciguir these two empires to maintain their survival, often forging alliances with the one or other, depending on what served its own interest in that then. Vlad III is known by Rumanian people for its success in being unemployed until the Turks of usurpation of the Ottoman and to establish relative independence and sovereignty (despite by a relatively brief time).

Another factor that influenced political life was the means of the succession to the throne of Wallachian. The throne was hereditary, but not by the law of primogeniture. Boyars (noble rich landowners) had the right to choose voivode (prince) between of several elegibles members of the real family. This allowed the succession to the throne with violent means. The murders and other violent overthrows of ruling parties were thus wild. In fact, Vlad III and its father assassinated competitors to obtain the throne of Wallachia.

Historical bottom

To appreciate the history of Vlad III is essential to understand the social and political forces of the region during the fifteenth century. Of general way this one is a history of the fight to obtain the control of Wallachia, a region of the Balkan Mountains (in present Rumania southern) that put directly between the two long-range forces of Hungary and the empire of the Ottoman.

Of almost thousand Constantinople years been in favor it had stopped like the advance post of protection of the Roman empire Byzantine or the east, and access of the Islam blocked to Europe. The Ottomans despite were successful in penetrating deeply in the Balkan Mountains during this time. The fall of Constantinople in 1453 underneath sultán Mohammed the Armed Forces of the Turks of the Ottoman threatened the Conqueror, all the cristiandad suddenly. The Hungarian kingdom to the north and the west of Wallachia, that reached its zenith during this same time, assumed the old layer like defender of the cristiandad.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Vlad Tepes - history

Most of the authorities they think that the character of Dracula in the novel of the Stoker de Bram was based on the historical figure Vlad Sods (tse-pesh pronounced), that an area of the called Balkan Mountains Wallachia in the fifteenth century governed intermittently half-full of. The names Vlad III, Vlad Dracula and Vlad also called the Impaler to you.

The Sod supports of the word for "impaler" and so were coined due to the propensity of Vlad to punish to victims empalando them in stakes, then exhibiting them public to scare their supposed enemies and to notice transgressors of their final moral code. They credit to you with killing between 40,000 100,000 people in this way.
The origin of king well-known Sigismund of "Dracula" of Hungary, that the Roman emperor did santo in 1410, founded a secret brotherly order of the called horsemen the order of the dragoon to maintain Christianity and to defend the empire against the Turks of the Ottoman. Its emblem was a dragoon, extended wings, hanging in a cross. They admitted at your service to the father of Vlad III (Vlad II) around 1431 due to its value in fighting to the Turks. From 1431 Vlad forwards II it used the emblem of the order and more ahead, like rule of Wallachia, its alesaje of the invention the symbol of the dragoon.

The word for the dragoon in Rumanian is "drac" and the "UL" is the definitive article. The father of Vlad III thus came to be known like "Vlad Dracul", or "Vlad the dragoon". In Rumanian "the ulea" conclusion means "son of". Under this interpretation, Vlad III thus felt or to Vlad Dracula, or "the son of the dragoon". (The word "drac" also means "devil" in Rumanian. Sobriquet acquired therefore a double meaning for the enemies of Vlad Sods and their father).