Thursday, February 15, 2007

Historical bottom

To appreciate the history of Vlad III is essential to understand the social and political forces of the region during the fifteenth century. Of general way this one is a history of the fight to obtain the control of Wallachia, a region of the Balkan Mountains (in present Rumania southern) that put directly between the two long-range forces of Hungary and the empire of the Ottoman.

Of almost thousand Constantinople years been in favor it had stopped like the advance post of protection of the Roman empire Byzantine or the east, and access of the Islam blocked to Europe. The Ottomans despite were successful in penetrating deeply in the Balkan Mountains during this time. The fall of Constantinople in 1453 underneath sultán Mohammed the Armed Forces of the Turks of the Ottoman threatened the Conqueror, all the cristiandad suddenly. The Hungarian kingdom to the north and the west of Wallachia, that reached its zenith during this same time, assumed the old layer like defender of the cristiandad.

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